Sometimes when you try to ping a website, update a system or conduct any activity that requires an active internet connection, you may encounter the error message ‘How do Resolve the “Temporary Failure in Name Resolution” Issue? on your terminal.
For instance, you can encounter the following error when attempting to ping a website:
- ping arzhost@ubuntu
- Ping: Temporary name resolution failure for
Resolve the “Temporary Failure in Name Resolution” Issue
This typically occurs when a domain name cannot be resolved into its corresponding IP address by your DNS server. Since you won’t be able to update, upgrade, or even install any software packages on your Linux machine, this could pose a serious difficulty.
We will examine some of the root reasons for the “How do Resolve the “Temporary Failure in Name Resolution” Issue?” error in this post, along with potential fixes.
1: An incorrectly configured or missing resolv. conf file
At Linux systems, the resolver configuration file is located in /etc/resolv.conf. It includes the DNS records that your Linux system needs to convert domain names to IP addresses.
Create a file and add the Google public DNS server as specified if this file is absent or present but you are still experiencing name resolution issues.
8.8.8 is a name server.
As demonstrated, save the modifications and restart the system-resolved service.
restart system-resolved. Service with sudo systemctl
It’s also a good idea to verify the resolver’s status to make sure it’s active and functioning as it should:
$ sudo systemctl status system-resolved. Service
After that, try pinging any website, and the problem ought to be resolved.
ping arzhost@ubuntu
2: Firewall Limitations
In the event that the first option does not work for you, firewall constraints may be keeping you from correctly doing DNS queries. Check your firewall to see if ports 43 (used for whois search) and 53 (used for DNS – Domain Name Resolution) are open. Open the ports as follows if they are closed:
1: Ubuntu, Debian, and Mint’s UFW firewall
Run the following commands to configure the UFW firewall to open ports 53 and 43:
sudo ufw allow 53/TCP for money
UFW Allow 43/TCP $ sudo
Sudo ufw reload for $
2: Regarding firewalld (RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora)
Use the following commands on Redhat-based systems, such as CentOS:
$ Run firewall-cmd with a permanent add-port of 53 TCP.
the command "$ sudo firewall-cmd —add-port=43/TCP —permanent"
firewall-cmd —reload in sudo
We hope you now have a better understanding of the “temporary failure in name resolution” error and how to quickly and effectively fix it. As always, I really value your input.