Cron job is a schedule time on which you perform a task. you define time, date or interval. Cron job is simple a collection of task, system run these task from script file. When you want how to create a cron job one thing is important that. you should allow a time to cron job for to compete the previous cron job. If you scheduled your fresh cron job run too early. Then your fresh job start before ending the last job. If this happen then your performance will be degrade.
how to create a cron job:
Create cron email:
- In advance section you can see cron job icon .
- Click on the cron jobs icon, it should be open it look like this.
- In the email section enter your email on which you want to get notification. When your cron job run or not.
- When you enter your email address click on update button.
Add a crone job
for craeting a cron job you can see add cron job under tha cron emial secion.
In add new cron job section there are some boxes in which you enter the required information.
Common setting:
First box is a common setting. In this box you select the intervals on which you run your cron job. time should be different from last job otherwise it will be degrade the job performance.
in minutes section you choose minutes on which you want to run your cron job. Or you can choose hours on which you want to run job.
in hour section you can choose hour time on which you want to run your cron job. you can choose day it’s depend on you.
in day box you choose number of days on which you want to run cron job. you can choose month.
in month box you choose number of month on which you want to run your job.
in week days you can choose the number of weeks on which you want to run your cron job.
in command box you enter the command which you want that the system run.
Now you add a new cron job:
In all boxes you enter the required values. Values are depend on you which you want to choose. Now click on add new cron job.
After clicking on add new cron job you can see on the current cron job section your cron job Is ready.
you can edit and as well as delete it. When your job in run. you get a email notification that your job is running if you didn’t get any notification then check out the path and syntax. we hope that you know that how to create a cron job.