Mastering Linux: How to Set Up Apache Tomcat in a Few Simple Steps
Today, we will discuss how to install Apache Tomcat on Linux. Installation instructions have already been covered here. We’ll use Ubuntu to show how to install it in this guide.
Even if you’re using a different distribution, you can still follow this instruction. Make sure you utilize the package manager for your particular distribution to do this.
To install Java Servlets and JSPs on your machine, use the Java application server Tomcat. One of the most popular Java web servers and apps, it was created by the Apache Software Foundation.
In an attempt to develop an HTTP server that was entirely based on Java and supported Java code operations, Apache Tomcat was developed.
Tomcat’s popularity has been largely attributed to its open-source nature. We hope to help you in installing Apache Tomcat on Linux with this tutorial.
What is Apache Tomcat?
Apache Tomcat is a free and open-source software that plays a critical role in running Java-based web applications. Developed by the Apache Software Foundation, Tomcat functions as both a web server and a servlet container.
Imagine a web server as a translator that receives requests from users’ browsers and delivers responses in a format the browser can understand. Tomcat acts as this translator specifically for Java applications. It provides a pure Java environment where Java code can be executed.
However, Tomcat’s functionality goes beyond a basic web server. It also incorporates servlet container capabilities. Servlets are essentially mini-programs written in Java that can dynamically generate content or handle user requests.
The servlet container, in this case, Tomcat, manages the lifecycle of these servlets, including loading them when needed and unloading them when not in use.
Apache Tomcat is a free and open-source software that functions as both a web server and a servlet container. Here’s a breakdown of its key aspects:
- For Java Applications: Tomcat is specifically designed to handle Java-based web applications. It provides a runtime environment where Java code can execute and interact with web requests.
- Servlet Container: At its core, Tomcat acts as a servlet container. Servlets are essentially Java programs that can be used to extend the functionalities of a standard web server. Tomcat manages the lifecycle of these servlets, including loading, unloading, and handling requests.
- Lightweight and Efficient: Compared to a full-fledged Java application server, Tomcat is lightweight and efficient. This makes it a popular choice for deploying smaller web applications or those that don’t require the extensive features of a full application server.
- Open-Source and Popular: Developed by the Apache Software Foundation, Tomcat is an open-source project. This means it’s freely available for anyone to use and modify, contributing to its widespread adoption.
In simpler terms, imagine Apache Tomcat as a platform specifically designed to run Java web applications. It bridges the gap between the web server and the Java code, enabling dynamic content generation and processing of user requests.
How to Install Apache Tomcat on Linux? 7 Ways
Apache Tomcat is a popular open-source web server and servlet container for running Java applications. Installing Tomcat on AlmaLinux, a community-driven rebuild of RHEL, involves several steps.
Step-By-Step Apache Tomcat Installation Guide:
This guide will walk you through the process to ensure a smooth installation.
Step #1: Update Your Alma Linux System
Before installing any software, it’s important to ensure your system is up-to-date. Open a terminal and run the following commands:
sudo dnf update -y
sudo dnf upgrade -y
Updating your system ensures that you have the latest security patches and software updates, which is crucial for maintaining system stability and security.
Step #2: Install Java on Linux
Apache Tomcat requires Java to run. You can install OpenJDK, which is an open-source implementation of the Java Platform. If you run CentOS then you need to install Java 11 or 12 on CentOS 7. Run the following command to install OpenJDK 11:
sudo dnf install java-11-openjdk-devel -y
Verify the installation by checking the Java version:
java -version
You should see output indicating that Java 11 is installed.
Step #3: Create a Tomcat Service Account on Linux
For security reasons, it’s best to run Tomcat under its own user account rather than using the root account. Create a new user and group for Tomcat with the following commands:
sudo groupadd tomcat
sudo useradd -M -s /bin/nologin -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat
This creates a group named tomcat and a user named tomcat without a home directory and login shell.
Step #4: Install Apache Tomcat on AlmaLinux
Download the latest version of Apache Tomcat from the official Tomcat website. Navigate to the /opt directory and download the Tomcat tar.gz file using wget:
- cd /opt
sudo wget
Extract the downloaded file:
- sudo tar xvf apache-tomcat-9.0.56.tar.gz
- sudo mv apache-tomcat-9.0.56 tomcat
Set the appropriate permissions:
- sudo chown -R tomcat: tomcat /opt/tomcat
Step #5: Create Apache Tomcat Systemd Service
To manage Tomcat as a system service, create a new systemd service file. Open a new file in your preferred text editor:
- sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tomcat. Service
Add the following content to the file:
Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container
Environment=”CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms512M -Xmx1024M -server -XX: +Subparallel”
Wanted By=multi-user. target
Save and close the file. Reload the systemd daemon to apply the changes:
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start the Tomcat service and enable it to start on boot:
- sudo systemctl start tomcat
- sudo systemctl enable tomcat
Step #6: Configure Linux Firewall for Tomcat
To allow traffic to Tomcat, you need to open the necessary ports in your firewall. By default, Tomcat listens on port 8080. Use the following commands to allow traffic on this port:
- sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=8080/tcp
- sudo firewall-cmd –reload
Verify the firewall settings to ensure the port is open:
- sudo firewall-cmd –list-all
Step #7: Configure Apache Tomcat Application Manager on AlmaLinux
Tomcat’s Application Manager allows you to manage your web applications through a web interface. To enable access, you need to configure the tomcat-users.xml file. Open the file in your text editor:
- sudo nano /opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
Add the following lines within the <tomcat-users> tags to create a user with manager-gui and admin-gui roles:
- <role name=”manager-gui”/>
- <role name=”admin-gui”/>
- <user username=”admin” password=”yourpassword” roles=”manager-gui, admin-gui”/>
Replace your password with a strong password of your choice. Save and close the file. Restart Tomcat to apply the changes:
- sudo systemctl restart tomcat
Now, you can access the Tomcat Application Manager by navigating to http://your-server-ip:8080/manager/html and logging in with the credentials you specified.
Following these seven steps, you should have a fully functional Apache Tomcat server running on AlmaLinux. Regularly update your system and Tomcat installation to ensure security and stability. At ARZ Host, we provide reliable Linux hosting services that can support your Apache Tomcat deployment, ensuring your server runs efficiently and securely.
With Tomcat installed, you can now deploy and manage your Java web applications efficiently.
Tomcat is an effective tool for implementing JSPs and Java Servlets. It enables you to run Java code on a web server that was created solely with Java. We hope that this article helped you set up Apache Tomcat on Linux and set up some basic settings.
Additionally, you can modify the Tomcat server’s parameters to suit your tastes. Please feel free to contact us using the comments section below if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1: What is Apache Tomcat and why would I need it on Linux?
Apache Tomcat is an open-source Java servlet container that allows you to run Java applications. It’s widely used for hosting Java-based web applications and websites.
Installing Apache Tomcat on Linux provides a robust environment to deploy and manage Java web applications, making it essential for developers and administrators working with Java applications on Linux servers. you can learn about the difference between Linux Servers and Windows Servers.
2: How do I install Apache Tomcat on Linux?
To install Apache Tomcat on Linux, you typically download the latest version from the Apache Tomcat website. After downloading, you extract the archive to a preferred directory using commands like tar.
Then, configure environment variables such as CATALINA_HOME and optionally JAVA_HOME to point to your Java installation. Finally, start Tomcat using the startup scripts provided (, and you can access the Tomcat server via a web browser.
3: What are the system requirements for running Apache Tomcat on Linux?
Apache Tomcat has modest system requirements. It runs efficiently on Linux systems with a minimum of 1 GB RAM, although for production environments or heavier loads, 2 GB or more is recommended. Disk space requirements depend on the applications you deploy, but typically a few hundred megabytes are sufficient.
Tomcat supports various Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian, among others.
4: How can I secure Apache Tomcat on Linux?
Securing Apache Tomcat on Linux involves several best practices. You should:
- Disable unnecessary services and ports.
- Use strong, unique passwords for administrative accounts.
- Configure HTTPS to encrypt data between clients and the server.
- Regularly update Tomcat to the latest stable version to patch security vulnerabilities.
- Implement access controls using firewalls and Tomcat’s built-in security features like user roles and permissions.
5: Can Apache Tomcat coexist with other web servers like Apache HTTP Server on Linux?
Yes, Apache Tomcat can coexist with other web servers like Apache HTTP Server (commonly referred to as Apache). This setup is often used to improve performance and flexibility.
You can configure Apache HTTP Server as a front-end server to handle static content and forward dynamic requests to Tomcat. This configuration, known as reverse proxying or using mod_jk/mod_proxy, allows both servers to work together seamlessly on a single Linux machine, serving different types of content efficiently.
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