Introduction to WordPress Coding and What are the Standards
WordPress development relies heavily on coding standards to provide a stable and long-lasting codebase. When developers write code, they follow these standards and principles, which improves teamwork, simplifies maintenance, and guarantees overall dependability.
Coding standards also improve the quality of the code by protecting against frequent mistakes and dangers. In WordPress development, efficient teamwork is based on coding standards because several contributors frequently work together on a single project.
They improve communication, reduce the likelihood of disagreements, and make the development process run more smoothly.
Respecting coding standards encourages uniformity in projects, which facilitates your ability to move fluidly between codebases. Together with improving code readability and maintainability, this consistency helps team members communicate with one another.
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For an organized and effective development process, the official WordPress coding standards address the following 5 essential areas:
We examine these coding standards in this article to help you construct compliant websites and maybe contribute to the WordPress development community.
What are WordPress Coding Standards?
WordPress Coding Standards are a set of guidelines and best practices designed to ensure consistency, readability, and maintainability in WordPress codebases.
These standards cover various aspects of coding, including formatting, naming conventions, documentation, and more. Adhering to these standards helps developers write code that is easy to understand, collaborate on, and extend.
One fundamental aspect of WordPress Coding Standards is code formatting. Consistent indentation, spacing, and alignment make code more readable and understandable for developers.
Additionally, adhering to naming conventions ensures that variables, functions, classes, and other elements are named descriptively and consistently, improving code clarity and maintainability.
Documentation is another critical component of WordPress Coding Standards. Developers are encouraged to document their code thoroughly, including comments that explain the purpose, functionality, and usage of various code elements.
Proper documentation makes it easier for other developers to understand and work with the codebase, reducing the learning curve and facilitating collaboration.
Moreover, WordPress Coding Standards promote secure coding practices to mitigate common security vulnerabilities. By following these standards, developers can write code that is less prone to security risks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and authentication bypass.
Overall, adhering to WordPress Coding Standards fosters a community-driven approach to WordPress development, where developers share a common set of practices and conventions to create high-quality, reliable, and secure plugins, themes, and customizations.
This consistency not only benefits individual developers but also contributes to the stability and longevity of the WordPress ecosystem as a whole.
Why is Code Formatting Important?
Your code’s format matters, even if it’s only a side project. Also, it makes a big difference in a workplace with multiple developers.
Well-organized and thoughtful code shows quality, even when it isn’t excellent, whereas disorder leads to careless programming, even when it is brilliant.
Here are a few examples of why you should be mindful of your code’s format:
Ultimately, developing clear, manageable, and effective code requires careful code formatting, which goes beyond simple aesthetics. It improves developer collaboration and improves the general caliber of software projects. See our article What Is PHP And How Does it Power WordPress?
What are PHP standards in WordPress development?
PHP coding guidelines unique to WordPress guarantee readability and uniformity in WordPress code. They are highly advised for themes and plugins and are required for WordPress Core.
These guidelines address many topics, such as code structure, indentation, and naming conventions, to facilitate cooperation and increase readability.
The following categories are covered by WordPress PHP standards:
// Opening and closing PHP tags within HTML:
// Put open/close tags on their own lines.
## DO
function foo() {
echo esc_html (
bar (
## DON'T
if ( $x === $y ) { ?>
<!-- HTML content -->
<?php }
// Avoid shorthand PHP tags
## DO
<?php ... ?>
<?php esc_html( $x ); ?>
## DON'T
<? ... ?>
<? esc_html( $x ); ?>
// Writing include/require statements:
// Avoid include_once as it continues execution
// even if the file is not found.
// Do not use brackets around the file path.
## DO
require once ABSPATH. 'File-name. Php'
## DON'T
require once __DIR__. '/file-name. Php'
include once (ABSPATH. 'File-name. Php’);
Naming — Interpolation for naming dynamic hooks and naming conventions are examples of naming standards:
- ## DO
- // Use lowercase letters for function and variable names.
- function my_function ($some variable) {}
- // Use uppercase letters for constant names.
- define (‘MAX_AGE’, 60);
- ## DON’T
- // Use camelCase.
- function my_function ($some Variable) {}
## DO
// Put spaces after commas.
$colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
// Put spaces on both sides of the opening and
// closing brackets of control structures.
foreach( $foo as $bar ) { ...
// Defining a function:
function my_function() { ...
// Logical comparisons:
if ( ! $foo ) { ...
// Accessing array items:
$a = $foo['bar']
$a = $foo[ $bar ]
## DON'T
$colors = ['red','green','blue']
foreach($foo as $bar){ ...
function my_function(){ ...
if (!$foo) { ...
$a = $foo[ ‘bar’ ]
$a = $foo[$bar]
// DO
// Use the following brace style.
if (condition) {
action ();
} elseif (condition2) {
} else {
default_action ();
// Declare arrays using the long syntax.
$numbers long = array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
/* In multi-line function calls, each parameter should only take up one line.
Multi-line parameter values should be assigned a variable, and the variable passed to the function call. */
$data = array (
'User_name' => 'John Doe',
'email' => '',
'address' => '123 Main Street, Cityville',
$greeting_message = sprintf (
/* translation function. %s maps to User's name */
_ ('Hello, %s!', 'yourtextdomain'),
$result = some_function (
/* translation function %s maps to city name*/
sprintf( __( 'User resides in %s.' ), 'Cityville' )
// Magic constants should be uppercase.
// The ::class constant should be lowercase with no spaces around the scope resolution operator (::).
add_action( my_action, array( __CLASS__, my_method ) );
add_action( my_action, array( My_Class::class, my_method ) );
/* Add a space or new line with appropriate
indentation before a spread operator.
There should be:
* No space between the spread operator and the
variable/function it applies to.
* No space between the spread and the reference
operators when combined.
function some_func( &...$arg1 ) {
bar( ...$arg2 );
array( ...$arg3 ),
...array_values( $array_vals )
function some_func( & ... $arg1 ) {
$arg2 );
array( ...$arg3 ),...array_values( $array_vals )
Declare statements, namespace, and import statements — These coding standards cover namespace declarations and use statements:
Object-oriented programming (OOP) — These guidelines include the following: limiting the number of object structures to one per file; defining the sequence in which visibility and modifiers are declared; offering guidance for the use of trait use statements; and summarizing the rules of object instantiation:
// Trait use statements should be at the top of a class.
// Trait use should have at least one line before and after
// the first and last statements.
// Always declare visibility.
class Foo {
use Bar_Trait;
public $baz = true;
// Always use parentheses when instantiating a new
// object instance.
// Don't add space between a class name and the opening bracket.
$foo = new Foo ();
Control structures — Guidelines for Yoda conditions and elseif, not else if, are examples of control structures. Yoda quotes: To avoid accidental assignment when combining variables with literals, constants, or function calls in logical comparisons, arrange the variable to the right, as illustrated below:
// A "legal" comparison:
if (true === $result) {
// Do something with $result
// But a typo like this could get past you:
if ($result = true) {
// We will always end up here
Operators — These standards address increment/decrement operators, ternary operators, and the error control operator (@):
// Always have ternary operators
// test if the statement is true, not false.
$programming_language = ( 'PHP' === $language ) ? 'cool' : 'meh';
// Favor pre-increment/decrement over post-increment/decrement
// for stand-alone statements.
// DO
// DON'T
Database — Guidelines for performing database queries and preparing SQL statements are provided by database coding standards.
Additional recommendations — Other best practices include shell commands, regular expressions, closures (anonymous functions), smart code, self-explanatory flag values for function arguments, and warnings against extract ().
HTML and CSS Standards in WordPress
HTML and CSS govern the presentation and structure of WordPress websites and themes. Following standardized HTML and CSS conventions not only ensures consistency in design but also promotes accessibility and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Enhance your Business.
WordPress recommends using valid HTML markup, semantic elements, and CSS methodologies like BEM (Block Element Modifier) or SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS) to enhance maintainability and scalability.
Additionally, adhering to responsive design principles enables WordPress themes to adapt seamlessly to various devices and screen sizes, enhancing user experience across different platforms.
WordPress themes and plugins follow rigid guidelines for HTML coding to guarantee maintainability, consistency, and accessibility. The recommendations encourage developers to use HTML components for their intended purposes, strongly emphasizing semantic markup.
Search engine optimization (SEO) performance is improved and this technique strengthens content structure. It’s also advised that you validate your HTML to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
HTML code standards include recommendations for:
Validation: To ensure your markup is well-formed, you should validate each of your HTML pages using the W3C validator.
Elements that close themselves: In elements that close themselves, the forward slash should have one space before it.
<!-- DO -->
<br />
<!-- DON'T –>
Tags and attributes: All tags and attributes need to be written in lowercase. Furthermore, attribute values must only be written in lowercase when necessary for automated interpretation. When writing for readers, capitalize titles correctly.
<!-- DO -->
<a href="" title="Link Description">Descriptive text</a>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!-- DON'T -->
<a HREF="" TITLE="link description">Click here</a>
Quotes – All attributes must have a value and must use single or double quotes. Failing to quote the values can lead to security vulnerabilities.
<!-- DO -->
<input type="text" name="email" disabled="disabled" />
<input type='text' name='email' disabled='disabled' />
<!-- DON'T -->
<input type=text name=email disabled>
Indentation – The HTML indentation should always reflect the logical structure. When mixing PHP and HTML, indent the PHP blocks to match the surrounding HTML code.
<!-- DO -->
<?php if ( ! have_articles() ) : ?>
<div class="article">
<h1 class="article-title">Not Found</h1>
<div class="article-content">
<p>No results were found.</p>
<?php get_error_msg(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- DON'T -->
<?php if ( ! have_articles() ) : ?>
<div class="article">
<h1 class="article-title">Not Found</h1>
<div class="article-content">
<p>No results were found.</p>
<?php get_error_msg(); ?>
<?php endif;?>
WordPress’ CSS standards help you to develop neat modular, and responsive stylesheets in addition to these HTML standards.
They establish a standard for cooperation and evaluation across all components, including themes and plugins. These rules assist in making sure your code is understandable, coherent, and consistent.
WordPress CSS code standards place a strong emphasis on targeting items with particular classes to encourage a standardized and well-organized structure. In particular, they provide guidelines for:
/* DO
Each selector should be on its own line ending with
a comma or curly brace. The closing brace should occupy
the same indentation level as the opening selector. */
#selector-2 {
property: value;
/* DO
Use lowercase and separate words using hyphens.
Use double quotes around values for attribute selectors.
Avoid overqualified selectors, such as div.container. */
#contact-form {
property: value;
input[type="text"] {
property: value;
Properties (ordering and vendor prefixes):
/* Append properties with a colon and a space.
Properties should be lowercase — except font names
snd vendor-specific properties — and use shorthand. */
#selector {
property: value;
/* Add a space before the value and a semicolon after.
Use double quotes.
0 values should not have units.
Use a leading zero for decimal values.
Delineate multiple comma-separated values for
a single property with a space or new line. */
#contact-form {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
opacity: 0.9;
0 0 0 1px #5b9dd9,
0 0 2px 1px rgba(20, 120, 170, 0.9);
Media queries:
/* Rules set for media queries should be indented one level in.
Keep media queries grouped by media at the bottom of the stylesheet. */
@media all and (max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 780px) {
$selector {
property: value;
WordPress remains committed to HTML and CSS coding standards that are in line with the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) principles ever since its founding in 2003.
Beginning with the release of HTML5 and CSS3, W3C standards have affected the creation of themes and plugins by emphasizing the integration of Responsive Design Trends, concepts, and semantic markup.
Adopting W3C principles guarantees that WordPress websites follow international online standards, improving user experience and interoperability and demonstrating a dedication to remaining up-to-date, safe, and compatible with other websites and the larger web ecosystem.
WordPress promotes using the W3C HTML markup validator for HTML quality verification when following these standards.
A visually beautiful, intuitive, and effective presentation of WordPress websites on all platforms is guaranteed by these HTML and CSS standards. They provide a smooth user experience and help developers who are working on different parts of the WordPress ecosystem to collaborate.
Take your WordPress development skills to the next level! Get started with the WordPress Coding Standards.
How to Ensuring Accessibility in WordPress Development?
Accessibility is a fundamental aspect of WordPress development, ensuring that websites and applications are usable by people with disabilities. Adhering to accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), promotes inclusivity and usability for all users, regardless of their abilities or assistive technologies.
WordPress provides built-in features and tools for enhancing accessibility, including semantic HTML markup, keyboard navigation support, and screen reader compatibility.
Developers can further ensure accessibility by conducting thorough accessibility audits, implementing ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes, and testing websites with assistive technologies to identify and address any accessibility barriers.
For example, starting in June 2025, many EU companies will be subject to the European Accessibility Act, which is measured by the WCAG.
Implementing features and design principles such as keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and text alternatives for non-text material are necessary to meet a variety of purposes.
WordPress accessibility is much more than just following the rules. It’s a pledge to give everyone the same access to resources and knowledge. WordPress websites that follow W3C principles are easier to use and more accessible, which promotes an inclusive online community.
Here are some real-world examples of how to incorporate accessibility features into your plugins and themes:
Tools for Adhering to WordPress Coding Standards
Numerous tools and plugins facilitate adherence to WordPress coding standards and best practices:
The foundation of effective and cooperative software development is coding standards. They make code more readable and consistent, expedite the coding process, improve maintainability, and promote teamwork. Following coding guidelines is essential for WordPress developers to build scalable and reliable websites.
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FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)
1: What are WordPress Coding Standards?
WordPress Coding Standards are a set of guidelines and best practices established by the WordPress community to ensure consistency and quality in WordPress theme and plugin development. These standards cover various aspects of coding, including formatting, naming conventions, documentation, and security practices.
2: Why are WordPress Coding Standards important?
Consistent coding standards are crucial for maintaining the integrity and interoperability of WordPress themes and plugins. Adhering to these standards ensures that code is readable, maintainable, and less prone to errors. It also facilitates collaboration among developers, as everyone follows the same conventions, making it easier to understand and work with each other’s code.
3: What do WordPress Coding Standards cover?
WordPress Coding Standards cover a wide range of topics, including indentation, spacing, naming conventions, documentation, security, and performance optimization. These standards are documented and regularly updated by the WordPress community to reflect best practices and changes in coding conventions.
4: How do I ensure my code complies with WordPress Coding Standards?
There are several tools and resources available to help developers ensure their code complies with WordPress Coding Standards. The most common tool is the WordPress Coding Standards (WPCS) plugin, which can be integrated into code editors like Visual Studio Code or used via the command line. Additionally, the WordPress Coding Standards Handbook provides detailed guidelines and examples to help developers understand and apply the standards effectively.
5: What are the benefits of following WordPress Coding Standards?
Following WordPress Coding Standards offers several benefits, including improved code readability, maintainability, and compatibility with other themes and plugins. It also helps reduce the likelihood of introducing bugs or security vulnerabilities into your codebase. Moreover, adhering to these standards demonstrates professionalism and commitment to quality, which can enhance your reputation as a developer within the WordPress community.
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