When you visit our word press site, you will see this type of error. (your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress)
A question is a rise why did this error come? And how to resolve it?
This happens when your PHP code is not well suited to the current version of PHP which your site is currently using. If you are using any version of PHP over 7.0 might be possible you can see this error. It happened due to the old code is not updated. you should upgrade WordPress core files to the current version as well as the plugin which you use on your site.
- How to check which version of PHP your site is using?
- Firstly check which PHP version of your site is using.
- If you want to see the information about your PHP server and which version you are using.
- you use phpinfo () this is a function of PHP it shows you reliable information about the PHP server and PHP version.
- There is another function which is the PHP version () it displays only the information about the PHP version.
On your website go to the document root directory and upload a PHP file using the FTP client.
open your browser then you go to your domain.com/phpinfo.php, now you can see the version of the PHP server on your screen.
How to resolve your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress
Upgrade WordPress :
If you have to update your PHP version over 7.0 and still see this error you must upgrade your WordPress core files and plugin.
Login to your account and follow these steps:
Click on the update button and upgrade your WordPress.
you can see that an update is available now update WordPress and check whether your problem is resolve or not.
Mysql is installed?
if you have to update your word press and your problem isn’t resolve then you should check that your MySQL is installe and enabled or not.
If MySQL is not install then you should create an info.php file in the root directory of your WordPress via FTP.
It will look like this:
Save this file and go to the browser and type https://.www.ourdomain.com/info.php. you can see a page that contains the information about your PHP installation.
If it is install it shows like the client API library version.
If this it’s looks empty then the extension is not install. Installation of steps depends on your host and system.
If your host is using Cpanel then you can change the extension of MySQL. By clicking on the select PHP version in your software.